Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Key to Better Health Could Be Right Under Your Toes

Custom Orthotics - Putting Your Body In Balance

What is the function of the foot?

The foot contains 26 bones, 33 joints, and over 100 tendons, muscles, and ligaments. This may sound like overkill for a flat structure that supports your weight, but you may not realize how much work your foot does! Let's start with an easy one. Your feet function as a primary "shock absorber" for your body. When your foot hits the ground, it adapts to the surface and lessens the actual impact of that contact. Your foot also acts as a "rigid lever", allowing you to effectively push off from the ground when walking or running.

What do my feet have to do with pain in my ankles, legs, knees, and/or lower back?

Your feet have a direct impact on the rest of your body. Like the foundation of a house, your feet support the weight of everything above them. When a small bio-mechanical problem developing in your foot/feet leads to a subtle change in the way you walk, a chain reaction will occur in your overall posture. These changes can put stress on joints higher up in your body that can lead to these secondary problems. At Foot, Ankle & Leg Specialists of South Florida, we look to correct the underlying issue in your foot with custom orthotics.

What are orthotics? 

Custom orthotics are insoles constructed from a plaster impression of your foot. They are designed specifically to address any abnormality or mechanical problem that your foot is experiencing. A plaster impression is made of your feet. The casts are then sent to a lab and prescription custom insoles are made from them. Small additions called "posts" are added if necessary to allow the foot to function at its best.

How do I know if I have a problem that could be treated by custom orthotics?

The symptoms of poor foot biomechanics may include one or more of the following:

Pain in the bottom of your foot could be fixed by a
custom orthotic!
  • Localized foot pain
  • Bunions
  • Hammer toes
  • Arch pain
  • Heel pain
  • Knee pain
  • Hip / Lower back pain
  • Tendonitis
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Shin splints
  • Stress fractures
  • Recurrent injuries
  • Fatigue with standing or walking

Why would I or my child need orthotics?

Sometimes the foot is ineffective in absorbing shock or very weak when trying to push off during walking or running. Orthotics will help in both cases. 

Poor shock absorption in feet can lead to:

  • Stress fractures
  • Heel spurs
  • Ankle instability
  • Knee pain
  • Neuromas

Don't let lower leg pain stop you from doing
what you love!
Poor ability to push off can lead to:

  • Flat feet
  • Shin splints
  • Bunions
  • Hammer toes
  • Neuromas
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Back pain
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Achilles tendinitis
  • Metatarsal joint abnormalities
  • Foot instability
  • Turf toe
  • Shin splints
  • Ankle instability
  • Arch pain
  • Growing pain
  • Premature fatigue with activity
  • General avoidance of activity
  • Poor cardiovascular fitness

How do the orthotics help correct these problems?

The foot and lower extremities function best in what doctors call "Neutral Position”. This position allows the foot
to function optimally in both absorbing shock and improving stability. Any position in which the arch is too high (cavus foot) or too low (flat foot (links to pre- and post-operation photos)) doesn’t allow this optimal function, and problems can develop in the foot, ankle, knee or back.

Custom orthotics can mostly, if not completely, eliminate fatigue in the feet and legs during or after activity by providing proper support. They can eliminate “growing pains” in children and allow pain-free activity while also lessening the stressful impact of heel strike on the ground.

Orthotics can also lessen signs and symptoms of foot and ankle instability by adding small “posts” to the
device to help even out weight distribution during walking and running. This helps to decrease ankle sprains.
Our patients will typically be able to run faster and a longer distance without pain once they begin using their orthotic devices. Extensive walking (such as through Disney World, hooray vacation!) becomes much easier. Standing in general becomes more pain-free. All of this leads to a better quality of life.

So, why choose our practice to make your orthotics?

Here's what you can expect from the Foot, Ankle & Leg Specialists when it comes to fitting you for a custom orthotic:

  • We will perform a comprehensive lower-extremity evaluation to determine your needs.
    • This includes evaluation of joint mobility, muscle strength, ligament stability, and your specific gait imbalance.
  • Once we have this information, we will make a plaster impression of your foot, placing it in the optimal position to design and produce the best orthotic to treat your imbalance.
  • We will make any necessary modifications to the impression in order to make sure your orthotic is optimally shaped to provide you the best short- and long-term quality of life!

What types of shoes are orthotics good for?

Different types of orthotics are made for different types of shoes. They can be made specific to shoes necessary for your daily activities, including:

  • Sneakers
  • Cleats
  • Work Boots
  • Dress Shoes
  • Cycling Cleats
  • High Heels
  • Flats & Wedges
  • Boots
  • Running Shoes

How do I get them?

It's simple. Make your appointment with us today and let us fit you for your custom orthotic! Once we get the plaster impressions, we send them to a lab to create your orthotics. Within 2-3 weeks, we'll give you a call that your orthotics are ready.

Whether immediately or within a few weeks of use, you'll feel full relief from your symptoms. 

Use our online scheduler to book your appointment. If you have a busy schedule during the week, we are open Saturdays by appointment only in our recently redone Plantation office. 

Click here to book your appointment and get yourself back to your best!

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